Registrar Forms

注册办公室为学生和教职员工处理许多表格. Below are forms to make changes to students' personal information and academic records such as legal names changes, student majors, minors, and advisor changes, 以及与转学相关的表格, appealing a drop/withdrawal deadline, and petition to complete an independent study. 教师/工作人员可以在本页底部找到请求教室更改的表格,并从注册办公室请求数据.

To change the legal name maintained on the student's official Roger Williams University Record, the student must complete this form and submit it with supporting documentation to the Registrar's Office.


  1. Please print all information 
  2. Present proof of name change
    1. Court Order
    2. Marriage License/Certificate
    3. 护照(所有国际学生需提供I-20或IAP-66)
    4. Social Security Card
    5. Military ID
    6. Government ID
  3. 正本文件只适用于亲身申请.

Change of Name Form

Students have the option of adding or changing their preferred names in Roger Central. See the Chosen Name Policy

Directions: Please print all information below. 国际学生必须与国际学生项目办公室会面. Return to the Registrar's office when complete. 

Change of Address/Telephone Number Form 



如果有空位,学生可以旁听一门课程. Courses audited are indicated on the transcript, but credits and grades are not assigned. The extent to which auditors may participate in a course is established by the professor. 全日制学生每学期注册一门课程前,必须得到教授的许可, 但额外经过审核的课程按既定费率收费. Anyone not classified as a full-time student must pay the established rate for each audited course. 注册为旁听生的学生可以选择转换为学分状态并获得学分和分数. A student who enrolls in a course for credit may elect to change to audit status. 所有更改必须在最后一天之前完成,不得超过该学期或课程的W(撤课)成绩. 必须向注册主任和财务主管办公室提交课程状态表,并且必须全额支付因更改而产生的适用学费和费用. 

鼓励学生报读专业以外的课程, and thus broaden their academic foundation, juniors and seniors may enroll in one course per semester outside their major area on a Pass/No Pass basis. 非专业音乐课程和学生教学课程的评分为及格/不及格,不受此限制. Those who pass the course receive the appropriate credit; those who fail the course receive no credit. A student who enrolls in a course for Pass/No Pass may elect to change to a graded status. 所有更改必须在最后一天之前完成,不得超过该学期或课程的W(撤课)成绩. University Core Curriculum course requirements may not be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis. 教授不得将及格或不及格成绩作为及格或不及格成绩的替代,除非该课程被指定为所有学生的及格或不及格, or a student formally elects the Pass/No Pass option within the time frame noted above. 

教师的签名是注册课程审核成绩的必要条件. The instructor's signature for Pass/No Pass guarantees that s/he is aware of the grading actions. 

Course Status Form (Audit - Pass/No Pass)

此表格用于对以下原因的学术政策提出上诉. 重要的是要记住,学生有责任在最后期限前完成任务, following policies, and for their financial obligations. 有时,情有可原的情况允许例外. If you submit an Academic Policy Appeal, 你有责任提供文件和理由供学术政策委员会考虑. 仔细阅读并遵循本表格中所列的所有信息.


  1. Extend drop deadline (with no W grade)
    1. 如果选择此选项,您必须指出您上课的最后一天.
    2. If selecting this option, you should remain in the class until you are notified of the committee’s decision.
  2. Extend withdrawal deadline (with a W grade)
    1. If selecting this option, you should remain in the class until you are notified of the committee’s decision. 
  3. Extend course audit deadline.
  4. Extend pass/no pass deadline.

If it is determined you cannot successfully pass the course that relates to your appeal, 你应该咨询你的指导老师或指导老师 & Peer Mentorship Office for further guidance. 

If needed, the Advising & 同侪辅导办公室(图书馆2楼,401-254-3456;可以作为你准备上诉的参考资料.

INSTRUCTIONS: For your Academic Policy Appeal to be considered the following MUST be provided by the student:

  1. Completed Academic Policy Appeal. Unsigned appeals will not be accepted.
  2. 附上一份由学生写的解释信. You should include the following:
    1. What you are requesting.
    2. Describe the extenuating circumstances which created the situation and how it impacted you, including why this situation prevented you from adhering to the drop/withdrawal/audit/pass-no pass deadline.
    3. Provide applicable dates (when it happened).
  3. 包括支持你上诉的文件. 这可能包括来自你的教员的支持。.

    Documentation Examples


    • Letter from your treating health care professional (on letterhead with signature)
    • 医院/医疗机构记录,预约,医疗账单
    • 死亡证明,讣告,葬礼或追悼会程序


    • Military orders
    • Time card
    • 雇主信函(抬头信纸并签名)


    • 来自教职员工和/或顾问的电子邮件或支持信件


    • Court records, police or accident report
    • 支持您的减罪情况的附加文档
  4. The appeal and supporting documentation should be emailed using the student’s RWU email to

Academic Policy Appeal Form

外部课程类似于独立学习, except that the material covered out-of-class is the same as that taught in a regularly scheduled course. 外部课程仅限于正式被继续教育学院录取的学生,或已获得学士学位的学生,但没有或不能通过定期课程按时满足毕业要求. Students are advised that a number of courses cannot be satisfied through external study. External study requires the approval of the dean. 

有兴趣参加外部课程的学生必须首先与教师成员会面,并在相应的院长办公室填写外部课程申请表. 该表格必须提交给学生的院长批准. 

Students must complete financial arrangements with the Bursar if the course is taken as a sixth course. Students should complete this process one semester in advance of taking an external course. 


独立学习课程提供了一个机会,个人追求知识的领域不包括在网赌的十大网站定期安排的课堂课程. 独立学习课程包括指导阅读, thesis preparation, advanced problems and specialized research. 所有独立学习课程都由教师指导,必须在学期第二周结束前得到相应院长的批准. 

所有独立学习课程的建议必须在课程的增减期结束之前提交. 申请被批准的学生必须向财务处提交适当的学费,除非这是他们全日制课程的一部分. 学生必须在正式注册表或添加/删除表上列出独立学习课程,以便获得最终成绩. Neither the student nor the instructor may begin the course until this proposal is approved. 


Forms must be returned to the Registrar's Office by the Dean or Assistant Dean of your school/college. 

政策:希望在其他地区认可的机构学习课程并将学分转移到RWU的网赌的十大网站学生必须事先获得其学院或学校院长的批准. Leave the form with the dean for processing. 院长办公室将转交给注册主任办公室. 注册办公室不接受学生提交的表格.

  • 学生有责任在提出申请时提供课程描述的目录副本. 
  • The University does not factor transfer credit into the RWU cumulative grade point average (GPA). 
  • RWU只接受在其他地区认可的学院或大学完成的成绩为C或更高的课程的转学分. 

特别提示:学生必须在罗杰威廉姆斯大学或RWU Study Away完成最后60个学分中的45个

Day Program Transfer Course Pre-Approval Form


  1. 在表格上方填写所有学生信息. 
  2. Use the drop down menu to make your selections. 
  3. 完成表单后,去打印,然后保存为 .pdf. 
  4. Attach form to email and send to Current Dean, New Dean and/or Advisors for necessary signatures. 
    1. Dean for new Major/Certificate added.
    2. 指导老师签名的所有第二主要,次要或核心的变化.
    3. 对于重大变更,可能需要分配新的Advisor. 请参阅顾问部分突出显示的说明.
    4. Advisor Signature for Catalog Year changes.
  5. Please return form with all necessary signatures to the Registrar's Office by email to:

Major Adjustment Form 

注意:跨学科个性化专业来自多个学术领域:建议的专业必须至少包括36个学分. 学生必须完成大学的核心课程要求. The Core Concentration must be taken in a field other than the principal academic fields. 

Directions: Responses to all of the topics listed below must be thorough and as accurate as possible. 请愿书必须由指导老师审核, the dean of all programs that are impacted, and by the Provost. 此汇款单必须附有适当的签名. 

  1. 一个跨学科的个性化专业项目建议必须在学生的四年级(1)之前提交并批准.e., prior to completion of 90 credits). 
  2. 在你项目主要学术领域的指导老师的帮助下,设计你的跨学科个性化专业.
  3. Sign and date your petition. Attach a current transcript and a statement responding to 1-6 on the form; submit the complete petition to your faculty advisor(s), the appropriate dean(s), and the provost for their approval. 
  4. 当你的提案被批准时,注册办公室会通知你,并将其副本保存在你的永久记录中, 用于申请学士学位时的评估. 

Interdisciplinary Individualized Major Petition Leading to a Baccalaureate Degree Form

确保在表格上清楚地打印所有要求的信息. The fee to request a replacement diploma is $50.00 per copy. 

  • In person requests may be paid with cash, 支票(抬头是网赌的十大网站)或信用卡. 
  • 在补发文凭之前,必须履行所有财务义务.
  • 如因地址不准确而未能送达,澳门理工大学概不负责. 
  • 所有补发的文凭将被标记为副本. 

Replacement Diploma Request

This RWU form must be completed every semester. If it is not submitted, you will not be certified and you will not receive your VA payment. Complete and submit to

重要提示:ch33和ch31是唯一直接支付给学校的福利. 使用所有其他福利的学生将负责支付学费 & 预先支付费用或与财务司办公室建立付款计划. 


  • The VA will only pay for courses that apply to a student’s certificate of degree program. 
  • The RWU Certifying Official cannot certify students for courses that are not part of their program. 这意味着将不支付该课程的学杂费(根据CH 33),并且学生的每月津贴将减少(根据所有VA教育福利)。 
  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE) – RWU requires a COE be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. COE is the letter you receive form the VA indicating your entitlement to VA benefits. 
  • 有关此表格的其他问题,请联系

Student Veteran Certification Form

For use by faculty only. 

Please download the form before filling it out. 一旦它被下载到你的电脑上,你就可以填写它并使用表格底部的按钮提交它. 

Faculty Classroom Change Request



  • Fill out the form and email to
  • If you have a deadline, please include the date you need this data by in the email. 
  • Average turnaround is 3-5 business days but please allow for longer during busy times such as registration. 

Data Request Form