
毕业是一个激动人心的时刻,注册办公室在这里帮助确保你准备好了. Review the information and checklist on this page to make sure your graduation goes smoothly.


Graduation is the process of being awarded a degree. 申请毕业是每个希望毕业的学生必须满足的大学学位要求. If you do not apply for graduation, you have not met all your degree requirements.
你必须在公布的截止日期前申请毕业,以便获得学位认证和授予, whether you choose to attend the commencement ceremony or not.


在你的文凭被邮寄之前,你的学生账户必须在大学有良好的信誉. 联系 财务长办公室 at (401) 254-3520 to be sure that you have financial clearance. 


Verify completion of all degree requirements with your advisor and Dean's office. 在毕业前清除你的学习记录,并将任何不完整的成绩转换为满意的成绩.


本科生和研究生必须提交一份 学位申请 for graduation two semesters prior to their expected graduation.

Verify that you are listed in the correct major/minor. 本科 students should drop any major/minor you will not be completing by submitting the 主要调整表. 研究生应该联系他们的指导老师.


如果你之前申请在学期末毕业,发现你的计划改变了, please 发送电子邮件至graduationcoordinator@rwu.Edu,我们会更正你的毕业日期.


Students are responsible for meeting all published deadlines. 所有学生都有责任遵守校历上公布的截止日期.


  • 毕业时间:2024年5月
    • 2023年3月31日前申请
  • 毕业时间:2024年8月
    • 2023年3月31日前申请
  • 毕业日期:2024年12月 
    • 2023年3月31日前申请


  • 毕业时间:2025年5月
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日
  • 毕业时间:2025年8月
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日
  • 毕业时间:2025年12月 
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日


拖欠学费的学生的文凭将被扣留,直到他们履行了对大学的经济义务,并且在财务处有良好的信誉. 如果您不确定您的帐户上是否有未偿财务持有或需要有关现有会计持有的情况或解决方案的协助, 请与 财务长办公室 at (401) 254-3520.

不完整或缺失的成绩, 你必须和你的教授联系, advisor, 和/或项目主管,如果有的话 I or an IP 你所有课程的成绩.


希望在其他地区认可的机构学习课程并将学分转移到RWU的网赌的十大网站学生必须填写并提交学分转移预批准表格, 在我们的 注册表单 给你的学院或学校的院长打电话.


Diplomas are mailed to the student's preferred address (home) within 罗杰中央. 请在毕业后四周内在罗杰中心核实或更新您的地址. Degrees are awarded after academic requirements have been met, including the posting of all grades and transfer credits. 文凭将在学位授予后根据文凭发布日期邮寄.


To arrange to pick up your diploma or authorize someone else, 发送电子邮件至graduationcoordinator@rwu.从您的RWU帐户中提取。edu. 请附上你的学生证, 全名, 电话号, 领取毕业证的人的名字, and send the request within 2 weeks of the graduation date. We will email you when the diploma is available for pickup at the Office of the 注册商, 老渡轮道一号, 行政大楼.

Note: A valid photo ID must be presented when picking up a diploma.


  • 8月份毕业 
    • 九月中旬文凭发放日期 
  • 12月毕业
    • 1月中旬文凭发放日期 
  • 可能毕业
    • 七月中旬文凭发放日期 


Your diploma will be printed with your legal name as it appears on your 学位申请. 你想修改一下你的名字吗, 请提交名称更改表格以及更改的法律证明文件,并将其交回注册办公室. 为了能在文凭上反映出名字的变化, 名称更改请求必须在文凭发布日期前8周提交给注册主任办公室.

RWU毕业生在毕业后更改姓名的请求将根据个人情况进行评估. 因结婚而要求更改姓名, divorce, naturalization or a court-ordered change of name will be considered. 请提交名称更改表格以及更改的法律证明文件,并将其交回注册办公室.

If you would like to request a diploma in the new name, the original diploma must be returned together with a $50.支付给罗杰威廉姆斯大学(支票,汇票或信用卡). Once the diploma order is placed, delivery is generally in about three weeks.

发送电子邮件至 graduationcoordinator@mxappagd.com 报告你的文凭上任何可能的错误. If you have received your diploma and a confirmed error exists, 你必须将你的原始文凭交回注册办公室,然后才能颁发更正的文凭. In the event your diploma arrived damaged, the University will supply a replacement diploma. 签发换证前, 我们要求退还损坏的文凭, 或者是可用的部分.

要请求更换,请填写 补领文凭申请表 回到graduationcoordinator@mxappagd.com. All financial obligations must be met before replacement diplomas are issued. RWU will not be responsible for undeliverable diplomas due to inaccurate address.

Note: All replacement diplomas will be marked duplicate.

A $50.支付给罗杰威廉姆斯大学(支票,汇票或信用卡). Once the diploma order is placed, delivery is generally in about three weeks.


The graduation honors are listed below; notation will be noted on the official transcript and diploma.

  • Summa cum laude is granted to students whose average in all subjects is at least 3.8岁及以上.
  • Magna cum laude is granted to students whose average in all subjects is at least 3.6岁及以上.
  • Cum laude is granted to students whose average in all subjects is at least 3.4级及以上.

If you continue to take classes at RWU after you have completed your degree requirements, you MUST 在你可以注册毕业后一个学期的课程之前,被录取到一个新的项目.


完成你的毕业, 请确保您在适当的截止日期前完成以下任务,这将确保您轻松愉快地参加毕业典礼.


Verify completion of all degree requirements with your advisor and dean's office. 解决未完成、未报、留学、自主学习和实习成绩突出的问题.  All incomplete grades must be converted to satisfactory grades prior to graduation. 


在截止日期前(预期毕业前两个学期)完成学位申请。. You CANNOT 毕业不提交此申请.


Verify that your student account is in good standing with the university. 联系 财务长办公室 at (401)254-3520 to be sure that you have financial clearance.

Certain loans require students to complete an online exit interview. 了解更多有关不同类型贷款的详细信息,并了解是否需要完成在线离职面谈, 请参阅大学财务处.


毕业后大约八周,你的毕业证书将邮寄到你的永久家庭住址. Verify and update the university with the correct address.

为了更新你的地址和电话信息,你需要填写更改地址/电话号码表格,并将其交回注册主任办公室. 表格可以在 注册表单 page.


所有本科生都必须参加社区参与奖学金,以满足参与学习的要求. 参与式学习毕业要求可以通过以下一个或多个参与式学习经历来实现:  

  • 实习 或合作社
  • A community engaged research project (undertaken with a faculty sponsor)
  • 社区参与课程 (1).e., courses that involve collaborations with community partners)
  • An intensive volunteer experience (40-50 hours with a community organization) 


The entire Engaged LEarning policy is available here.

Community engagement staff are available to assist with questions at engage@mxappagd.com

如果您对申请研究生有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至我们的毕业协调员 graduationcoordinator@mxappagd.com.

If you have any questions regarding the 毕业典礼 ceremonies, 时间表或任何其他细节, 请电子邮件 events@mxappagd.com.